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Embarking on a new health journey is an exciting and transformative experience. Whether your goals are to lose weight, improve current fitness levels or elevate overall well-being, addressing your habits is a critical step in achieving sustainable success. Habits are the small, often unconscious routines that shape our daily lives. By understanding and modifying these behaviors, you can create a solid foundation for lasting health improvements. I work with my clients to take a deep dive to understand and address behaviors, so that lasting change can be achievable. We brainstorm together to reveal how past behaviors and habits may get in the way of future sustainable growth and success. We work on one habit/goal at a time and create an action plan to shift when triggers or obstacles appear. Here’s why addressing habits is essential and how to effectively incorporate habit change into your health journey.

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1. Habits Form the Foundation of Daily Life

Habits, both good and bad, are ingrained in our daily routines. They influence our eating patterns, activity levels, sleep quality, and even our stress management. By addressing and modifying these habits, you can create a supportive environment that aligns with your health goals.

2. Small Changes Lead to Big Results

Focusing on small, manageable habit changes can lead to significant long-term results. Rather than overhauling your entire lifestyle overnight, making incremental adjustments allows you to build on each success. This approach minimizes overwhelm and increases the likelihood of maintaining new behaviors.

3. Consistency is Key to Success

Consistency is crucial for achieving and maintaining health goals. Habits, once established, provide a framework for consistent actions. By creating healthy habits, you ensure that positive behaviors become automatic, reducing the reliance on willpower and motivation, which can fluctuate.

4. Sustainable Change Over Quick Fixes

Short-term diets and intense workout regimens often lead to temporary results. Addressing habits fosters sustainable change by embedding healthy behaviors into your daily routine. Understanding past behaviors that have stood in the way of overall improvements is key! When life gets busy and healthy routines are disrupted, some take an “all or nothing” approach, where all positive behaviors are often times abandoned. Working with a health coach can set you up for success so that adherence to most healthy habits can be attained in times of chaos. This approach ensures that improvements and progress in your health are maintained over the long term, rather than experiencing the cycle of progress and relapse.

5. Behavioral Patterns Affect Mental Health

Habits impact not only physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. Positive habits, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and mindfulness practices, can enhance mood, reduce stress, and improve overall mental health. Conversely, breaking negative habits like stress eating or sedentary behavior can alleviate mental health challenges.

6. Habit Change Promotes Self-Awareness

Addressing habits requires self-awareness and reflection. By examining your current behaviors, you can identify patterns that may be hindering your progress. This self-awareness is empowering, enabling you to take proactive steps toward positive change.

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How to Effectively Address Habits on Your Health Journey

  1. Identify Key Habits:
    • Start by identifying the habits that most significantly impact your health. Focus on both positive habits to reinforce and negative habits to change.
  2. Set Clear, Realistic Goals:
    • Define specific, achievable goals related to habit change. For example, aim to replace sugary snacks with fruit or commit to a 10-minute daily walk.
  3. Create a Plan:
    • Develop a plan for implementing and maintaining new habits. Consider the triggers, routines, and rewards associated with each habit to understand the underlying behavior.
  4. Start Small:
    • Begin with small, manageable changes. Trying to change too many habits at once can lead to burnout and frustration. Focus on one or two habits at a time.
  5. Use Reminders and Cues:
    • Utilize reminders and cues to reinforce new habits. For instance, set a reminder on your phone to drink water regularly or lay out workout clothes the night before which takes away any barriers.
  6. Track Your Progress:
    • Keep a journal or use a habit-tracking app to monitor your progress. Recording your successes and challenges can provide motivation and insight into your behavior patterns.
  7. Seek Support:
    • Working with a coach, sharing your goals with trusted friends and/or family can help contribute to success. Having a support system or group can provide encouragement, accountability, and shared experiences.
  8. Be Patient and Flexible:
    • Habit change takes time and persistence. Be patient with yourself and recognize that setbacks are a natural part of the process. Adjust your plan as needed to stay on track.
  9. Celebrate Successes:
    • Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement helps to solidify new habits and keeps you motivated.


Addressing habits is a fundamental aspect of embarking on a new health journey. Habits shape our daily actions and ultimately determine our success in achieving health goals. By focusing on small, consistent changes, you can create sustainable improvements in your lifestyle. Self-awareness, realistic goal setting, and a supportive environment are key to effective habit change. Embrace the process, be patient, and celebrate your progress as you build a foundation for lasting health and well-being. If you would like to work with me, I would love to hear from you! I offer a complimentary call to answer questions and to see if partnering with me would be a good fit for you in reaching your goals! Check out my website or contact me via email:

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